Friday Fictioneers with Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers again. This prompt has sparked my imagination to write a story titled, A Warmer Destination. You can enjoy reading lots of 100-word stories by visiting Rochelle’s blog site.

By Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

By Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

A Warmer Destination

Part of me wants to stay and part of me wants to leave. I’ve been with Ted for ten years now and I’m used to his ways; like how he checks my mobile and manages my finances.

But recently I came upon a windfall. I had heard that Fiji is warm this time of year, so I’m escaping the cold grey clouds of home.

As I peer out the aeroplane window, the hostess serves me champagne. I’m already flying above the grey clouds. I open the brochure and run my hand tentatively over turquoise waters and clear blue skies. I smile.

Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers @ Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple

Every week writers from around the world take on the challenge of writing a 100 word story from a photo prompt.

Copyright -Mary Shipman


Dark Days 

It happened again the day I revisited my parent’s abandoned shed. I walked through the dark doorway and stood frozen in time. The cold air and musty smell infiltrated my senses.

I ran my hand over the beam, but quickly withdrew, smarting in pain from the splinter that had become embedded. I leaned back on the wall and slowly slid down until I was hunched on the cold, hard concrete floor.

The familiar sinking feeling resurfaced. I lowered my head in my hands. I knew what came next.

The beams were exposed.

The wallpaper wept.

Darkness encroached.